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Lehrstuhl für Fischkrankheiten und Fischereibiologie

The Chair for Fish Diseases and Fisheries Biology has been part of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine since its establishment in 1914. Initiated by Prof. Dr. Bruno Hofer (Professor of Fisheries from 1886-1916), the Fish Diseases Institute had the first women veterinary Professor as Chair, Royal Professor Dr Marianne Plehn. The tradition of aquatic animal medicine expertise at LMU Faculty of Veteirnary Medicine continued until today.

The Chair is undergoing extensive renovations to improve teaching, research and diagnostic capacity. With the state of the art fish research facility, modern laboratories, and strong collaborations, we aim to position LMU as national and international leader in aquatic veterinary medicine.
The LMU Centre of Excellence in Aquatic Veterinary Medicine, Biosecurity and Education is based in our Chair and we also lead the International Aquatic Veterinary Biosecurity Consortium.



The Chair is one of the founders of European College of Aquatic Animal Health (ECAAH, 2014), and contiunes tradition of serving as focal point for the profession: The European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP) had an inaugural meeting at this chair back in 1979.

As research-intensive group, we focus on studies of the immune system responses to environment, disease and stress. Our teaching is supporting day-one competencies to LMU veterinary students. And, through the use of web based learning platforms, we offer aquatic veterinary education to veterinary professionals and paraprofessionals worldwide.

We offer the veterinary students an opportunity to focus their education on aquatic veterinary medicine through Aquatic Medicine Profil Line. This Profil Line is based on World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association (WAVMA) requirements for Certified Aquatic Veterinarians.
